Heart Start Hawaii Foundation
Heart Start Hawaii Foundation

Become a Donor

We need your support to continue donating AEDs throughout Hawaii. Your donation will help save many lives!

Become a Donor

We need your support to continue donating AEDs throughout Hawaii. Your donation will help save many lives!

Donor Packages

Heart Start Hawaii Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your sponsorship contribution may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Diamond Heart $11,000
5 Philips FRx AEDs
5 Heartcase AED cabinets
AED wall signs
Donation plaques
AED maintenance & oversight program
CPR/AED training for staff
CPR/AED training for students
Platinum Heart $7,000
3 Philips FRx AEDs
3 Heartcase AED cabinets
AED wall signs
Donation plaques
AED maintenance & oversight program
CPR/AED training for staff
CPR/AED training for students
Gold Heart $5,000
2 Philips FRx AEDs
2 Heartcase AED cabinets
AED wall signs
Donation plaques
AED maintenance & oversight program
CPR/AED training for staff
CPR/AED training for students
Silver Heart $2,700
1 Philips FRx AEDs
1 Heartcase AED cabinets
AED wall signs
Donation plaques
AED maintenance & oversight program
CPR/AED training for staff
CPR/AED training for students
Angel Heart < $2,500
We will accept donations of any size. You don’t need to buy an entire AED, we will accept any gift to then combine with others.

Donated AEDs